We accelerate in achieving a decent, safe and healthy working condition for all our business activities.
SHE management manual of Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd. declares the following in order to minimize Safety and Health-related Harm, Risks and Environmental Impacts occurring from all activities and products included in management, and achieve “Safety, Health and Environment Top Priority Management” at all global workplaces. (Hereinafter, ‘Safety and Health Environment’ is referred to as ‘SHE’.)
First, we secure ‘improving corporate reliability’ by complying to the SHE-related laws and regulations, and communicating with stakeholders.
Second, we put effort to build a ‘clean and healthy workplace’ by minimizing the emission of environmental pollutants and managing employee healthcare.
Third, we improve and identify hazardous risk factors through voluntary participation by building a ‘safety internalized’ culture.
Kim, Jin-Hwan, Head of Safety and Health Management / Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
Create a safe and healthy workplace where everybody can work with peace of mind.
We maintain a policy that prioritizes safety at all our workplaces and carry out a wide range of activities to ensure that the policy is fully implemented. A policy to help create a safe workplace and bring better experiences for our members is also in place.
We maintain eight rules for our members to follow to ensure that they are fully aware of key risks and make the rules part of their day-to-day life at work.
Do not use your mobile phone while working or walking.
Smoke only at the designated spot.
Be sure to wear protective gear properly according to the nature of the work.
Do not disengage any of the safety devices installed on facilities.
Do not enter an area where facilities are running or logistics work is in progress without authorization.
Honor the speed limit within company premises.
Use the pedestrian-only passage when you walk around the site.
Follow the procedures for authorization for precautionary safety measures.
Hyundai Mobis have strengthened the SHE sector to identify occupational safety and health vision, strategically manage hazards and risks, and to internalize a safety culture in workplaces. The division is responsible for developing and assisting the organization's safety objectives for all our business activities worldwide.
We are building a system to ensure safety at our workplaces in the mid-to-long term as part of our goal to bring all our business sites’ safety management practices and capabilities in line with the global standards. As declared in the ceremony in May 2021 to mark the kick-off of an enterprise project, we will identify sources of risks and vulnerabilities in an objective manner and address them fundamentally by employing a global certification body to evaluate our safety management system and safety related culture. We will also develop MSRS*, a proprietary evaluation scheme, to ensure that our safety management system is a sustainable one.
MSRS (Mobis Safety Rating System): Mobis’ proprietary method to measure the safety system and culture.
To ensure occupational safety and health at our workplaces by minimizing serious injuries or death, we conduct joint patrols all year round and run an advisory board in partnership with independent professionals. Through the objective perspective of an independent professional body, we will identify sources of risks and address them to eliminate serious injuries or death from our workplaces.
We examine all facilities and equipment used to ensure their fundamental safety before they are deployed in accordance with local and internationally accepted specifications. We also ensure that facilities in use are properly upgraded for better safety and that they are inspected regularly to identify any source of risks.
We work with our partners to adopt a joint plan to help them improve their level of occupational safety and health and prioritize this as part of their culture. We have supported our partners in getting ISO45001 certified by helping them enhance their safety management capability. They also use our Safety Hotline for better communication and information sharing with us.
We subject our members and others involved in manual work to safety training to prevent any injuries or death. Members of our business partners are required to complete our safety training accessible before you access our premises in Korea for manual work.
Hyundai Mobis provides manuals and training to enhance employee's capabilities to immediately react in case of emergency. Trainings are conducted based on various scenarios such as fire, hazmat accidents, or natural hazards.
Our employees have full access to customized health screenings and various programs designed for employee's health. Health management office is located in every workplace along with M-training centers for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and workers can reach out to 'Healing Saem (Healing Pool)’ program to gain positive feedbacks and to cope with stress at work. Even more, some of our business sites currently provide ‘Mind Health Care’ services, designed for both daily and workplace-related issues and we expect to expand the service to other branches in near future.
For the establishment of ‘Self-Care Culture’, we have placed InBody machines in every workplace for fast and easy access of employees in self-moderated health checkups. Additional benefits are available through linking the determined health data with HIMS Application, which provides annual health examination results and customized/appropriate health guidelines (dietary plans, exercise routines). Various promotional advertisements have boosted the rate of participation among employees.
Hyundai Mobis has built a safety management practice system to internalize the core value of safety of our executives and employees, and improve the capability of safety management in workplaces. We will develop online and offline specialized training curricula for management, executives/team leaders, workplaces, expatriates, and executives and employees of our major partners, and contribute to preventing severe accidents through continuous training.
Hyundai Mobis is carrying out various safety culture activities to improve the safety culture of our executives and employees. We are creating SHE contents into Shorts and webtoons to deliver safety information interestingly, and are trying to raise safety capabilities and safety awareness of our employees autonomously by conducting participatory safety culture campaigns.
Classification | Target | ISO45001 certified | Percentage (%) | |
Domestic | Production plants/bases1) | 4 | 4 | 100 |
Parts business sites2) | 29 | 29 | 100 | |
Overseas | Production companies3) | 15 | 13 | 86.7 |
Total | 48 | 46 | 95.8 |
As of Dec. 2023
1) Excluded domestic subsidiaries
2) Included HQ, logistics centers (5 sites), Parts office (22 sites), Cheonan Stockpile Warehouse
3) Excluded business sites not operable (before mass production, suspended manufacturing) as of the end of 2023