We are committed to a sustainable future where all
our stakeholders including our members, partners and the community can grow together.
Innovation with Responsibility
Mobility by Clean Technology
Under the three objectives derived from our vison of "Innovation with Responsibility, Mobility by Clean Technology",we strive to achieve balanced, sustainable growth.
Guidelines on Independence of Independent director
Guidelines on Diversity of the Board of Directors
Environmental Management Policy
Biodiversity Protection Policy
Forest Deforestation Prevention Policy
Responsible Sourcing Policy for Minerals
Hyundai Mobis executes sustainable business activities that enables mutual growth with all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, investors, and customers, and to disclose the related information transparently, we have been publishing annual sustainability reports since 2010. Hyundai Mobis has conducted a materiality assessment to identify the significance of mutual impacts between the company and environment/society, and to collect stakeholder opinions. In accordance, this report covers Hyundai Mobis' efforts and performances in economic, environmental, and social sectors including the determined material topics.
Hyundai Mobis is committed to strengthening ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) management.
We’re creating values for sustainable future by joining domestic/international initiatives and leverage global partnership.
Hyundai Mobis is the first Korean company in automobile parts industry to join Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). *RBA is the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility in global supply chains and comprised with over 200 global firms.
We fully support the vision and goals of the RBA and are committed to driving sustainable value for workers, the environment and business throughout the global supply chain. Besides, We seek to progressively align our operations with the provisions of the RBA Code of Conduct and collaborate with suppliers and stakeholders to improve working and environmental conditions and business performance through leading ESG standards and practices.
Hyundai Mobis has joined the Responsible Minerals Initiative(RMI) to ensure responsible mineral production and sourcing around the world, including conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
RM is a sub-initiative of RBA, that works to ensure the ethical and social responsibility in the sourcing of minerals including 3TGs(Tungsten, Tantalum, Tin, Gold) and cobalt.
Hyundai Mobis joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in June 2008 and declared that we would support the UNGC’s 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and would continuously reflect them in its management strategies and corporate activities, thereby contributing to the improvement of sustainability and corporate citizenship awareness.
We also supports the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discloses its activities and achievements through its Sustainability Report.
Hyundai Mobis have committed to the Science Based Targets initiative to set ambitious Net-Zero targets in line with the latest climate science consistent with limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C.
We are also a participant in the Business Ambition for 1.5℃ and the Race to Zero to be part of the global efforts for Net-Zero. The Business Ambition for 1.5°C is a campaign led by the SBTi in partnership with the UN Global Compact and the We Mean Business coalition.
By joining the RE100 Initiative, a global renewable energy campaign that aims to convert 100% of electricity consumed by companies into renewable energy, we are promoting the use of 100% of renewable energy in our business sites. More than 85% of the energy used by Hyundai Mobis is electricity, and since most of the greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the use of electricity generated from fossil fuels, the transition to renewable energy will be the main way to achieve Net-Zero.
We set mid/long-term targets to achieve 65% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. To this end, we are working closely with related sectors. To further improve renewable energy efficiency, we are seeking ways to implement various programs in line with social and environmental conditions including self-solar power generation and use of green rates by country.
Hyundai Mobis has publicly declared support for TCFD as a TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) supporter. In order to participate in the international community's efforts to prevent an increase in global average temperature, we are transparently disclosing environmental information by reflecting the TCFD recommendations.
Hyundai Mobis has joined K-EV100, the Korean electric vehicle transition campaign where corporate-owned and leased vehicles are switched to EV or FCEV. We set 30% in 2025, 70% in 2028, and 100% in 2030 as the 3-stage mid/long-term targets. In order to promote the use of pollution-free vehicles, we plan to build charging stations in business sites. Roadmap has been established to install an infrastructure with 200 pollution-free chargers, including 12 fast chargers in the business sites by 2030. By joining the K-EV100 and implementing the roadmap.